Friday, May 11, 2012

Overcoming Your Asthma Symptoms

When asthma symptoms begin to appear, families will want to visit a doctor to determine the best course of action. If the condition has begun to affect a small child within the household, then special precautions will likely need to be taken. In most cases, children will be especially sensitive to cigarettes, so individuals who smoke on a regular basis should stay away from those who are grappling with asthma. If the smoker is a member of the immediate family, then a complete cessation of smoking will probably be the best possible choice going forward.

Children may also have problems with their condition when they are outside playing with friends. Usually, parents can monitor their kids when they are still young. If the boys and girls have chosen to participate in team sports, however, then they will likely need to take an inhaler with them whenever rigorous activity is expected. Such an inhaler can be filled with medication, which can help open up airways that have become overly constricted. Asthma medication is usually available only by prescription, so men and women should visit a certified pulmonary specialist sooner rather than later

Some people may also be sensitive to high-pollution days. When certain particulates fill the air, the passageways of the lungs can become swollen and inflamed. Individuals who live in the city should keep a close eye on the daily weather forecasts so that they are clued in to any high-pollution advisories. This way, they can stay indoors and avoid the wheezing and coughing that are so often associated with asthma. Because dry air can also be a problem, making use of a portable humidifier can also help.

Many sufferers notice that their symptoms become much worse at night. If they are prone to coughing fits when they are trying to sleep, they might take some over-the-counter medication to relieve some of these symptoms. Likewise, they may notice that they have problems with lightheadedness or shortness of breath during the early morning hours. By following their doctor's orders and adhering to a professional treatment plan, they should be capable of working through their problems and avoiding significant asthma attacks.

Some medical specialists might even recommend breathing strips. These strips can be placed over the nose during the night hours. They assist in keeping the nasal passages open, which will keep the respiratory system functioning as it should. With a few changes to their nighttime sleeping habits, most men and women will find that sleep will come easier, which should leave them refreshed in the morning.

The information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only and is not, nor is it ever intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice or professional recommendations, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician(s) or other qualified healthcare provider(s).

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